InfraGard Membership is for the owners, operators, and security directors and their staffs of the 16 U.S. national key asset and critical infrastructure sectors, which includes members of local, state, and federal law enforcement, as well as individuals who are involved in the security of and protected research at educational institutions. Because of the focus and purpose of InfraGard, its members are required to be affiliated with at least one critical infrastructure sector and, as part of the application process, applicants must pick a primary affiliation sector.

The 16 critical Infrastructure sectors as set forth in Presidential Policy Directive (PPD)-21 are as follows: and critical infrastructure sectors, which includes members of local, state, and federal law enforcement, as well as individuals who are involved in the security of and protected research at educational institutions. The 16 critical Infrastructure sectors as set forth in Presidential Policy Directive (PPD)-21.

  1. Chemical
  2. Commercial Facilities
  3. Communications
  4. Critical Manufacturing
  5. Dams
  6. Defense Industrial Base
  7. Emergency Services
  8. Energy
  9. Financial Services
  10. Food and Agriculture
  11. Government Facilities
  12. Healthcare and Public Health
  13. Information Technology
  14. Nuclear Reactors, Materials, and Waste
  15. Transportation Systems
  16. Water and Wastewater Systems


The applicant must agree to InfraGard's code of conduct and code of ethics.

Code of Conduct

Code of Ethics

The applicant must consent to a security risk assessment and to periodic re-confirmation of the security risk assessment. The risk assessment is a membership vetting process completed by the FBI which includes local, state, and federal criminal history and driver’s license, citizenship, and other security-related database checks. Note that successful completion of the security risk assessment does not equate to a security clearance (InfraGard members are not given security clearances by the FBI).

Please note that the InfraGard secure membership vetting process is handled solely by the FBI. The FBI retains sole authority and discretion to accept, deny, or revoke the membership of any InfraGard member. The San Francisco Bay Area InfraGard Members Alliance has no involvement in the membership approval process and does not have access to membership applications.

Contact the InfraGard Helpdesk for general questions regarding InfraGard at

Before you fill out your application, please read the InfraGard Code of Ethics and browse the Policies and Procedures. As a member of InfraGard, you will be expected to abide by these guidelines as well as a non-disclosure agreement (NDA).

To fill out the application: Go to and click on the "Apply Online" button. Review the application completely before filling it out. All fields are required unless otherwise noted (this includes SSN, which is required for the background check). Select San Francisco on the "Chapter Selection" line.

If you have a question, contact: National InfraGard Helpdesk (24 hours) at or use our contact page form submission.

An application is a legally binding document and false statements provided by an applicant are violations of federal law and could lead to criminal prosecution or other legal action.

Once submitted, your application will be processed by the FBI as quickly as possible. Please be aware that incomplete or omitted information (including lack of occupation information or omitted criminal history) will delay your application or cause your application to be denied. You will be notified of your InfraGard membership status when the FBI review process is completed, and you will then be provided access to a secure platform. We appreciate your patience, as the process can take up to 3 months.

Once accepted as a member, the FBI will utilize the information you have provided during the process to conduct periodic reassessments of your suitability to remain an InfraGard member.